Update Notes Dezember 12 2023

With this update, users now have the option of copying tests and performing a retest, for example. When you copy a test in the project settings, all settings, test results and issues are transferred. You can then adjust settings and samples and check the previous test results; read our instruction article on copying tests for details.

The update also contains minor bug fixes.

Update Notes November 8 2023

This update brings two long-awaited changes to CAAT.

When an issue is created, the test step is automatically assessed as "failed". Until now, however, we have left it up to our users to correct this automatically set status if, for example, they discard an issue; from now on, the failure rating will be cancelled again if issues are deleted, moved to other test steps or the assignment of the sample is changed.

Secondly, we are introducing new statistics for test results with "metric groups". New groups can now be defined in your own inspection catalogues, for example to display an evaluation of the errors found by type of obstruction in the inspection report. Please feel free to share your feedback with us.

The update also includes minor usability and performance improvements.

Update Notes October 18 2023

This version contains several updates and improvements. We have added a title page to the new report design, changed the color of the application and introduced an option to filter checkpoints by open comments.

Update Notes Oktober 5. 2023

The latest update came with minor bug fixes and usability improvements. Some convenience features were already available as feature previews in the last months, while we improved the usage with keyboard and screen reader.Thank you to our early adopter customers and their feedback.

Update Notes September 7 2023

In this update, a few minor usability improvements were made. For example, it is now possible to delete a found error directly in the editing screen.

The most important innovation concerns the function to import issues from automated audit results from axe-core and qualweb. Automated test results are first imported, and the auditor can decide in each case whether the individual test result should be adopted as an issue. Texts and code notes from the automated audit report can be transferred.
This function is still in the development stage; however, it can already be tested. To use the function, it must first be activated under "Feature preview". 

Update Notes July 26 2023

With this update, report templates are now generally available. Settings on appearance and content of your audit can be saved in a report template to easily import reoccurring text blocks and settings in your tests.

Text inputs are marked with the language configured for your test. This improves support of spell-checking and assistive technologies.

Small bug fixes in PDFs after their release with the previous update.

Update Notes July 10 2023

Reports can now be exported as PDF or ePUB file.

Different user roles can now edit comments or mark them as resolved. The former restrictions proved to be too restrictive in daily work.

Improvements and bug fixes for the new report templates.

Update Notes Juni 20 2023

Some experimental features have advanced to preview status and will be generally available in the near future.These include improvement of Markdown syntax, export of the report as PDF and EPUB, and templates for report options.